Life Science

Welcome to the Life Science Page. I am Rochelle Ebel and I teach Biology, Human Anatomy and Physiology (HAP), and General Science. In May Term I also teach Navigator. I also the assistant musical director since 2012. I started teaching at Central Lyon in 2010. . . .

Tour Cadaver Lab
Each year the senior Anatomy and Physiology class plans a trip to Dordt's state-of-the-art cadaver lab. It is a wonderful opportunity for the students to experience what they will encounter if they plan to major in the health . . .

Anatomy's hospital tour
The anatomy class had the opportunity to tour Avera in Rock Rapids. The staff for all departments were fabulous and we would like to thank each and every one of them!! Madelyn Holland wrote up a nice synopsis of what we . . .
Anatomage Table
The Anatomage table is a virtual dissection table that is equipped with CT and MRI scans that we can use for study. It comes with a male and female cadaver along with a multitude of special case slides and a variety of . . .