Registration | Course Descriptions
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Click here for PDF file of the 2024-2025 Course Description Handbook
4 FOUR YEAR PLANNING CALENDAR Time management is an important skill that needs to be developed early. Dividing major tasks into small steps makes it easier to reach major goals. A college education and career goals are major goals much too important to leave to chance. The following calendar is a four-year high school guide indicating key checkpoints. Skim the entire list; then refer to appropriate sections regularly. Take responsibility for your own future. Investigate options, deadlines, and follow through. Parents, teachers, the counselor and the principal can assist, but responsibility for action is yours!
FRESHMAN YEAR • Select high school courses carefully. Choose courses that provide a solid academic foundation and increase your abilities in reading, writing, speaking, math, and higher order thinking skills. • Select your career focus based on your developing interests and academic strengths at this time. • Resolve to take control of your life and develop skills that will lead to self-discipline, independence, and lifelong learning success. • Organize a file system or scrapbook to maintain accurate records of accomplishments. Keep report cards, standardized tests scores, compositions, and special awards of recognition. • Be prepared to explain your ideas and plans to your counselor during the spring scheduling conference. Listen to information and accept encouragement. Begin to build the ideas and dreams into reality. • Read magazine articles and books that give information about college preparation. • Begin a reading program. Carefully choose the books that you read and keep a record. Check with your English teacher for suggestions. • Volunteer for community service projects. • Get involved in the high school. Become a member of at least one extracurricular activity each semester. Keep an accurate list of all activities you are involved in. This will come in handy as a senior.
SOPHOMORE YEAR • Enroll in challenging academic courses that will allow flexibility as interests evolve. Investigate the Advanced Placement courses at CLHS. • Become more active in school organizations. Offer to serve on committees and become an active member. • Talk to your counselor about your interests to help you identify possible career choices. • Maintain your volunteer activities. Watch for opportunities for leadership. • Continue to read as much as possible. • Take the PreACT test and pay careful attention to your results. • Begin checking out college or technical school requirements before choosing junior classes. The counseling office has a number of catalogs you may use. • Summer-work at a paying job if you can find one. Begin saving as much as possible for your future education. • Revise your career focus as needed.
JUNIOR YEAR September – January • Send for current catalogs and other literature of several selected schools. • Investigate colleges that offer training in your area of interest. • Use the My Academic Plan online computer program to gather information about colleges. • Investigate career materials and post-secondary opportunities through the media center. October • Take the PSAT to be considered for a National Merit Scholarship and other awards and as practice for college entrance exams. Check with the counseling office as to where and when the test will be given. Take the practice test which is included in the registration materials April • Take the Iowa Assessments. This test will help show individual progress throughout high school and provides a measure for college admissions. Additionally, it is good practice at taking standardized tests. January-February • Plan your senior program of studies very carefully with your counselor and parents. The catalogs from the colleges of your choice will indicate courses required and recommended for admission. Begin thinking about probable colleges and possible majors when choosing senior classes. March – May • Read books and magazines that have information about career fields that appeal to you. Talk to people in those fields. • See your school counselor to determine which entrance exams(s) you should take. • Fill out registration materials for the ACT. See your counselor for questions. • Review your Career Major for your senior year. • Prepare for the ACT exam by taking advantage of the ACT study materials in the guidance office. • Schedule classes for your senior year. • Begin making a list of what you think you would like to study and do in college. Rank the items in order of importance to you now. • Go on one college visit your junior year. • Attend the financial aid meeting sponsored by the school counselor. You will gain valuable information regarding scholarships, loans, grants, etc. Bring your parents if possible because they are very much involved in the decisions you are soon going to make. June – July – August • Visit some colleges during your vacation. • Visit businesses you have an interest in. Talk to individuals employed at those businesses. Ask if you can visit or volunteer to work to gain insights and experience. Establishing contacts and experiences to include in your resume are invaluable.
SENIOR YEAR August – September • Review your selection of classes for your senior year. Schools are looking for students who have strong academic backgrounds, good grades, extra-curricular activities, good attendance and leadership skills. Colleges are most interested in the academic background to prepare you for post-secondary education. • Keep your grades up. Colleges frown on students who quit working before they graduate or have “senioritis”. • Register for the ACT or SAT if you have not already completed the test(s) or if you need to retake them. • Review the materials in the counseling office regarding colleges and careers you are interested in. • Continue membership in school and community organizations. Run for a class or club office. Even if you do not win, you will learn some valuable things about yourself. Remember… you will never gain anything if you are afraid to take a few risks. • Secure a FSA ID for you and your parents if you plan to submit the FAFSA online. October – November • Talk with your parents about costs and how your education will be financed. • Begin meeting with the counselor concerning schools that best suits you. • Update your activity record on your activity sheet found in the counselor’s office. • Begin applications for colleges you have an interest in. • Visit with various college representatives who come to CLHS. • Make official visits to those colleges and schools that interest you. • Apply for scholarships you may qualify for. • Complete and submit the FAFSA. December • Spend time reviewing information in the media center on careers. January • You should have applied to several colleges you are interested in by now. • Apply for scholarships, loans & grants. February • Apply for scholarships, loans & grants. • Visit colleges with your parents. Be prepared to ask questions that cannot be answered by reading the catalogs. • Ask your counselor to submit mid-year grades if any of the colleges to which you have applied request them. March – April • Make sure your registration materials are in proper order. Most colleges will notify you by April concerning your registration and acceptance. Once you have decided which college is best for you, notify other schools where you have applied and withdraw your registration. • Apply for scholarships, grants & loans. • Visit colleges if you are still undecided. (Senior Year continued) May • Complete any enrollment procedure necessary to hold your place. • If you are “wait-listed” at a college you are eager to attend, call or write to the Director of Admissions and ask how to strengthen your application. Recent academic or other achievements may help. • If you were denied admission, see your counselor at once about alternatives. Your counselor may suggest steps you can take to alter a college’s decision. • Send acceptance deposit by deadline specified. Respond promptly to all requests from your college. • Sign up with your chosen college to take the CLEP tests (College Level Examination Program). Many colleges participate in this program. Students may take tests to satisfy core hours of credit. There is a fee 7 and some colleges charge for credit earned. Check with the college of your choice for regulations regarding CLEP. • Request that a final transcript with grades and proof of graduation be sent to your college. • If you have taken college classes during high school, request a final transcript from the institution to be sent to the college/university you choose to attend for your degree. • ENJOY & CELEBRATE!!!!!!