CL Broadcasting
This year’s May Term class of Central Lyon Broadcasting stayed very busy. First, we made a sentimental farewell video for the 2023 graduates, which was also featured at the graduation ceremony. After losing several . . .

Order Your Yearbook
Deadline to Order is May 15! All orders between now and May 15 will be entered for a chance to win a $20 JJs GiftCard ! For every 7 books ordered, a portion of the 2022-2023 Yearbook Cover . . .

Jazz Band Competes at State
The Jazz Band qualified for the State Jazz Championship and performed in Ames on April 4, 2023. Placing first and second in class 2A were West Lyon and Okoboji. The Iowa Jazz Championships, founded in 1976, showcases 60 of . . .

Football Podcast
You are invited to listen to recordings of the CL-GLR Football Podcast on your favorite podcast app. We started our third season on April 8 talking to players from the undefeated team in the 1970's. The second episode . . .

Student Teachers
Central Lyon has student teachers from Dordt gaining experience in high school classrooms. Cheneg Vander Berg is working with Mr. Docker in educating grades 10-12. He is from Sioux Center and is majoring in Secondary . . .

Social Media and Its Effects
Social media is certainly unprecedented. The ability to share information with millions of people on a whim was a far-fetched idea just a few decades ago. Today, this ability has been given to almost every impressionable young adult in the . . .
CL Broadcasting
CAFE' OF ACTIVITIES: This year the Central Lyon Broadcasting May Term team decided to make a video highlighting our extra-curricular activities. We focused on some of our lesser-known activities at Central Lyon. Our video featured a . . .

May Term Fun Facts
Four Lifetime Recreation Classes Offered
May term has been a part of spring at Central Lyon for three decades. Many new classes are offered during the last four weeks of the school year, including lifetime recreation classes proposed by teachers in their passion . . .
Fight Song
Students and staff show their school spirit by singing the Central Lyon Fight Song!