Enough Shop Talk...Lets Go Build Something!
Industrial Technology Program
In 2015, I began teaching Industrial Technology at Central Lyon. First things first, I would like to give you some background on myself. I was raised on a farm in small town Nebraska (Go Huskers!) and pursued a college career in Lincoln, NE earning an Associates Degree in Building Construction and then a Bachelors in . . .

Build Iowa Expo
The construction careers class, consisting of mostly freshmen, is the introductory class taught by Mr. Engel. On Tuesday, October 19, they traveled to Sioux City for the Build Iowa Expo! We had students operating large equipment, . . .
Students Building a Full-Scale House
For the past three years the shop class has built a tiny house. The 2019-2021 year the shop class under the guidance of Mr. Engel is building a regular sized house to be sold. Junior Riley and the senior Eddie both prefer making . . .

NEW CNC Router!
We have currently finished setting up our new Inventables CNC router! A CNC router gives the kids the capability to engrave personal drawings on their wood projects in the shop. The kids will draw their design on the computer and then . . .
Tiny House Custom Built
The 2018 tiny house on wheels was custom built with a purchase contract in place before the end of construction. Instructor Grant Engel supervises an advanced construction class, who builds one tiny home each school year. The first was sold . . .

First CL Tiny House
Based off my personal experience in the industry, I’ve seen the skilled workforce start to dwindle as older generations enter retirement and new, young workers enter the force. I firmly believe that it is not that the younger . . .