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Central Lyon CSD

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Athletic Hall of Fame


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Mitch Lupkes
Dana Dykhouse

2021-2022 Nate DeJong
Brent Venega

Pat Murphy
Scott Grooters


Drew DeGroot
Brad Lupkes


Kate (Boeve) Ortegren
Adam Vogel
Coach Darrell Reifenrath
1969 Men’s State Cross Country Champions


Justin Overman
Mike Klinkenborg
Chris Kuehl


Keri VanVelhuizen Bergeson
Mike Wolswinkel
Steve Ellsworth
1961 football team


Gary Patton
Toby Lorenzen
Barney Drenth

1975 football team


Meghann Reifenrath Joyce
Meredith Austin Vander Zee
Nic Nelson
2013-2014 Kayla Wibben Halbur
Tom Meester
2012-2013 Kristy Feldman
Steve VanGinkel
2011-2012 Curtis Eben
Mike Vander Woude
2010-2011 Eldon Maxwell
Adam Boeve
Kelly Sieperda Postma
2009-2010 Roger Meyer
Leslie Raddle Boese
2008-2009 Kendall DeGroot
James Slade
2007-2008 Mike Vogt
Steve Kwikkel
2006-2007 Lance Baatz
2005-2006 Floyd VerHoef
John McDonald
2004-2005 Russ Olson
Keith Van Beek
2003-2004 Mike Null
Jim Nitzschke
2002-2003 Steve Breske
Bud Postma
2001-2002 Curt Busch
2000-2001 Scott Sieperda
Hank Grant
1999-2000 Bill Spyksma
1998-1999 Mike Breske
1997-1998 Kevin Van Veldhuizen
1996-1997 Darsha Van't Hof Tuenge
1995-1996 Eileen Aeilts MecGrew
1994-1995 Dave Foltz
1993-1994 Larry Stubbe
1992-1993 Tom Roach
Jarvis DeBerg
Dwayne Postma
Wade Gort
1991-1992 Kim Doeksen
Greg Schimdt
Elmer Aeilts
1990-1991 Dave Sieperda
Ken Miller
1989-1990 Denton Olsen
Glenn Fihr
Curt Krull
1988-1989 No Record
1987-1988 Kenny File
1986-1987 Al Breske
1985-1986 Paul Smith
1984-1985 H.L. "Hooly" Means
1983-1984 Carl Zender
1982-1983 Dave Poe
Chuck Danish
1981-1982 Tom Concoran
Buster Baustian
1980-1981 No Record
1979-1980 Loren Kyle
1978-1979 Paul Rogers
Bob Moreland
1977-1978 Dick Null
1976-1977 Clarence Morrison
1975-1976 Elmer Menage
1974-1975 Babe Fitzgerald
1973-1974 Wayne Sheelay
1972-1973 Bill Johnson
1971-1972 Karl Hasselmann


The Central Lyon Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following areas of study: Business Education, Family & Consumer Sciences Education, Industrial Arts Education and Vocation Agriculture Education. It is the policy of the Central Lyon Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. Inquiries or grievances may be directed to the Superintendent, Central Lyon CSD, 1010 S. Greene St., Rock Rapids, IA 51246, (712) 472-2664, superintendent@centrallyon.org. Please see District Board Policies for additional information on grievance procedures.