Annual Notices
State and Federal regulations, as well as some district policies, require the district to annually post certain notifications to the public. You may access them through the links below. Paper copies are available by calling (712) 472-2664.
- Abuse of Students (Board Policy 402.2)
- Level I Investigator Steve Harman or Jason Engleman
- Level II Investigator Jill Christensen or Jessica Harman
- Level III Investigator Lyon County Sheriffs' Department
- Affirmative Action, Equity & Title IX Coordinator - Jackie Wells ç (712) 472-2664 ç
- Anti-Bullying and Harassment (Board Policy 104)
- Corporal Punishment (Board Policy 503.5)
- Education Records Access (Board Policy 506.1)
- The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Annual Notice (Board Policy 506.1E8)
- Fines, Fees, Charges (Board Policy 503.3)
- Foster Care Point of Contact - Jessica Harman ç (712) 472-2664 ç
- Free/Reduced Cost Meals Eligibility (Board Policy 710.2)
- Grievance Procedure (Board Policy 102.R1)
- Homeless Children & Youth (Board Policy 501.16)
- Homeless Liaison Jessica Harman ç (712) 472-2664 ç
- Internet Appropriate Use (Board policy 605.6R1)
- Meal Charges (Board Policy 710.04)
- Nondiscrimination Policy Statement -- Annual Notice (Board Policy 102.E1)
- Nondiscrimination Policy Statement -- Continuous (Board Policy 102.E2)
- Parental Authorization and Release Form - Prescription Medication to Students (Board Policy 507.2E2)
- Parental Involvement (Board Policy 505.8)
- Public Participation in Board Meetings (Board Policy 213)
- Section 504 -- Notice of Student and Parental Rights (Board Policy 102.E3)
- Section 504 District Coordinator - Brent Jorth ç (712) 472-2664 ç
- Student Health Services (Board Policy 607.2)
- Student Illness or Injury (Board Policy 507.4)
- Student Records & Directory Information (Board Policies 506.1 and 506.2)
- Suicide Coordinators
- Jill Christensen ç (712) 472-2664 ç
- Jessica Harman ç(712) 472-2664 ç
- Use of Cameras on School Buses (Board Policy 711.2R2)
- Wellness (Board Policy 507.09)
- School Wellness Leader - Brent Jorth ç (712) 472-2664 ç