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Central Lyon CSD

Elementary (PS-6)


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5th Grade Field Trip: Outdoor Classroom

On Tuesday, October 3rd, the 5th grade classes from Central Lyon attended the outdoor classroom at Pahoja.  They were treated to 9 different stations, where they learned a variety of skills and information.

The stations were:

1. Water Quality: led by the West Lyon FFA students.  5th graders learned about how certain organisms are good for the water.  Then they got to dig through some water/mud from Lake Pahoja to find some of these organisms.

2. Furs: led by Tait Anderson.  Tait showed the students many of the furs that the wardons have collected over the years.

3.  Water Olympics: led by Jill Postma and Laura Beyenhoff.  The ladies taught the kids about qualities of water, like adhesion and cohesion, then led the kids in some fun activities.

4. Bees: led by Philip Westra).  The kids learned all about Drone bees, worker bees, and the queen bee.  They even got to taste some local honey!

5. Fishing: led by County Conservation.  The kids go to try their hand at catching some fish.  None were caught today!

6. GPS/Surveying: led by Tim Laleman and Jericho Poppinga from DGR.  The kids learned all about GPS and even got to try out some pretty cool surveying/GPS equipment.

7. Archery: led by Emily Ostrander.  Emily let the kids (and some of the teachers) try their hand at shooting some kid-friendly bows and arrows.  It was a blast!

8. Old School: led by the Historical Society.  We got to tour the old school at Pahoja and learn about it's history and what teaching/learning looked like in the old days.  The kids even go to tour the little house that the teacher lived in and the outhouse behind it.  

9. Soils/Praries: led by NRCS.  The kids got to play wetland BINGO and learn all about resources in our area!

A big thanks goes out to all the organizers and presentors for putting on this event each year.  The kids were tired at the end of the day, but I think they all had a blast!!

The Central Lyon Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following areas of study: Business Education, Family & Consumer Sciences Education, Industrial Arts Education and Vocation Agriculture Education. It is the policy of the Central Lyon Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. Inquiries or grievances may be directed to the Superintendent, Central Lyon CSD, 1010 S. Greene St., Rock Rapids, IA 51246, (712) 472-2664, superintendent@centrallyon.org. Please see District Board Policies for additional information on grievance procedures.