5th Grade Field Trip: Outdoor Classroom
On Tuesday, October 3rd, the 5th grade classes from Central Lyon attended the outdoor classroom at Pahoja. They were treated to 9 different stations, where they learned a variety of skills and information.
The stations were:
1. Water Quality: led by the West Lyon FFA students. 5th graders learned about how certain organisms are good for the water. Then they got to dig through some water/mud from Lake Pahoja to find some of these organisms.
2. Furs: led by Tait Anderson. Tait showed the students many of the furs that the wardons have collected over the years.
3. Water Olympics: led by Jill Postma and Laura Beyenhoff. The ladies taught the kids about qualities of water, like adhesion and cohesion, then led the kids in some fun activities.
4. Bees: led by Philip Westra). The kids learned all about Drone bees, worker bees, and the queen bee. They even got to taste some local honey!
5. Fishing: led by County Conservation. The kids go to try their hand at catching some fish. None were caught today!
6. GPS/Surveying: led by Tim Laleman and Jericho Poppinga from DGR. The kids learned all about GPS and even got to try out some pretty cool surveying/GPS equipment.
7. Archery: led by Emily Ostrander. Emily let the kids (and some of the teachers) try their hand at shooting some kid-friendly bows and arrows. It was a blast!
8. Old School: led by the Historical Society. We got to tour the old school at Pahoja and learn about it's history and what teaching/learning looked like in the old days. The kids even go to tour the little house that the teacher lived in and the outhouse behind it.
9. Soils/Praries: led by NRCS. The kids got to play wetland BINGO and learn all about resources in our area!
A big thanks goes out to all the organizers and presentors for putting on this event each year. The kids were tired at the end of the day, but I think they all had a blast!!