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Central Lyon CSD



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Best of Class

CLASS of 2019






Most Likely to Succeed

Kade Griesse

Caitlin Simon

Most Athletic

Zed Heimensen

Riley Folkens

Best Sportsmanship

Andrew DeNoble

Jacie Friedrichsen

Best Smile

Tanner Vanden Top

Callie Yeakel

Most Talkative

Kaden Huisman

Christina Fivecoate

Most Creative

McKale Daniels

Tori Stubbe

Best Car

Max Borman

Brecken Boekhout

Worst Car

Jarrett Fastert

Rhiannon Keegan

Most Likely to Become President

Zach Springer

Kaytana Heimark

Most Likely to Become a Famous YouTuber

Seth Telford

Tyra Van Wyhe

Most Likely to Travel the World

Austin Folkens

Elle Petersen

Hardest Worker

Kolten Bus

Kiarra Van Wyhe

Most Musical

Devin Miller

Liza Bosler

Class Clown

Tyler Van Den Oever

Alayna Gorter

Most Organized

Ben Van Aartsen

Madisen Iwen


Taeron Olson

Reese Borman

Best Hair

Chris Johnson

Trina Fluit

Best Laugh

Nolan Jensen

Karla Vasquez-Lopez


Lance Weber

Holly Berg

Best Nickname

Austin Metzger

Haley Borman

Most School Spirit

Ian Wells

Jackie Gonzalez


Trey Murray

Nikki Bloemendaal


The Central Lyon Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following areas of study: Business Education, Family & Consumer Sciences Education, Industrial Arts Education and Vocation Agriculture Education. It is the policy of the Central Lyon Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. Inquiries or grievances may be directed to the Superintendent, Central Lyon CSD, 1010 S. Greene St., Rock Rapids, IA 51246, (712) 472-2664, superintendent@centrallyon.org. Please see District Board Policies for additional information on grievance procedures.