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Central Lyon CSD

Secondary (7-12)


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Write On!

The Basic Writing class is busy writing!  This class began the year learning the basics of writing a strong essay.  We spent the first quarter studying what goes into writing a strong sentence as well as strong paragraphs.  Now we are applying everything we learned in the first quarter as students are writing a variety of essays including: a narrative, a persuasive, a compare and contrast, and a review.  We focus on the 6 + 1 Traits of Writing including:  Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency and Conventions.  Students also learn from each other by peer editing every essay.  Everyone in this class has significantly improved his or her writing skills.  They are understanding the necessity for strong writing skills as they prepare to enter college and the workforce.  I am very proud of this group!

The Central Lyon Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following areas of study: Business Education, Family & Consumer Sciences Education, Industrial Arts Education and Vocation Agriculture Education. It is the policy of the Central Lyon Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. Inquiries or grievances may be directed to the Superintendent, Central Lyon CSD, 1010 S. Greene St., Rock Rapids, IA 51246, (712) 472-2664, superintendent@centrallyon.org. Please see District Board Policies for additional information on grievance procedures.