Secondary Vocal Music
Welcome to High School and Middle School Vocal Music!
High School Concert Choir Period 7 1:18-2:00 (May Term)
Middle School Concert Choir Period 6 12:32-1:15
Jazz Choir-High School
An auditioned ensemble that sings jazz music. This group also sings on other concerts throughout the year, they go Christmas Caroling to the nursing homes in town during December and in the spring, they do a ministry of music performance at local churches. In February they compete at several contests and audition to compete at the Iowa Vocal Jazz Championships in Des Moines.
They rehearse on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:25-8:00.
Swing Choir-High School
This is a group that is open to anyone. They sing and dance with partners to contemporary music. They perform at the High School Swing Show in March.
Middle School Swing Choir
This is an auditioned group in the middle school that rehearses during 6th hour choir time and during the end of the day study hall (2:48-3:15). They sing and dance to contemporary music and perform at the Middle School Swing Show in March.