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Reading American Lit

By Jill Kroon


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Reading American Literature students read a variety of genres throughout this semester class. We begin by reading a unit of short stories, plays, and poems from the mid-twentieth century. Students study point of view, themes, motifs, symbols, figurative language, etc. Following this unit, we read the novel Flowers for Algernon, the classic by Daniel Keyes. Students thoroughly enjoy seeing the changes in Charlie Gordon’s writing as he goes from a young man with an extremely low IQ to genius after an innovative operation. Again, we look at a variety of literary elements in studying this novel. Finally, we are concluding our semester by reading Gitchie Girl. After the author, Phil Hamman, recently visited Central Lyon Schools, students were intrigued by this non-fiction book which took place in our own county and community. We thoroughly enjoy reading a book which not only tells a tragic story, but includes many familiar characters and locations.

Reading American Literature is a class which gives students the opportunity to voice their thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics. At the same time, they are definitely broadening their literary horizons.