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Freshmen Finish a Classic!


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English I students have just finished reading Harper Lee's classic, To Kill a Mockingbird.  As we read, we discussed such themes as: The Importance of Moral Education, The Existence of Social Inequality, The Loss of Innocence, Appearance vs. Reality and the Co-Existence of Good and Evil. We also examined numerous motifs and symbols as well. Overall, the freshmen thoroughly enjoyed the book and have come to appreciate its literary importance.  We also watched the movie starring Gregory Peck as the iconic Atticus Finch.  To finish up the semester, students are breaking up into small groups and developing and then presenting Power Point projects on the book.  They are bringing relevance to the book by finding current and historical examples to represent the different themes, motifs, and symbols. To Kill a Mockingbird remains a beautifully crafted classic by entertaining and teaching numerous life lessons.