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FFA Ends Whirlwind of Events

By Rockhill, Josh


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Wow! What an incredible last couple of weeks for the FFA chapter here at Central Lyon. On April 8, 2017, we hosted our annual Parent Member Banquet. This night was an outstanding opportunity for the community to see the hard work that the FFA members have put in over the past year. As the FFA Advisor here at Central Lyon, I want to say thank you to all of our supporters in our community. Without your support, the FFA would not be able to have the successes that they do. Saturday night we were also able to thank those officers for their year of service, and inducted the officer team that will be leading us for the coming year. This was all among a number of awards, that the students earned through their SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) and the CDE ( Career Development Events).


Following the banquet on Sunday April 9, 2017, 21 members and myself made their way down to the State FFA Leadership Conference in Ames. There we had members compete, receive awards, and participate in band and chorus during the two day conference. It truly was an amazing trip, that allowed the students to see how the organization works at the state level. The students were able to gain a lot of experiences, with other FFA members across the state and collaborate about what each other’s chapters are doing. Click on the FFA Facebook quick link (left side of page) to view more pictures of the convention. We look forward to the coming year, and are excited for what’s to come.